
Bottom Line, Leading College Advising Nonprofit, Expands to Metro Detroit.

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Detroit, Michigan Aug 13, 2024 ( - Bottom Line, a college access and success nonprofit organization dedicated to partnering with degree-aspiring, first-generation students to get into college, graduate, and successfully launch a career, is pleased to announce its expansion to Metro Detroit in the fall of 2025. 

The college advising organization, which currently serves nearly 7,000 students in its Access, Success, and Bluprint programs, brings a proven track record of success in Massachusetts, Chicago, and New York City. In 2023, nearly 1,000 Bottom Line students earned their college degrees and finished with an average debt that was more than $20,000 less than the national average for debt at graduation. As an expert and leader in the field, Bottom Line stands out as the only college access and success nonprofit organization with research-backed evidence of student impact. This latest expansion marks a significant milestone for the nonprofit as it seeks to partner with even more students to access and succeed in college.  

"The Detroit College Access Network (DCAN) is thrilled to welcome Bottom Line to Detroit, said Cyekeia Lee, DCAN Executive Director. This expansion, which will be valuable for our community, marks a significant milestone in our efforts to provide Detroit students with the resources and support they need to succeed in higher education. Throughcollaborative efforts, more Detroit students will have the opportunity to achieve their academic and career goals, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of our city." 

Anticipation is also high from the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN). "We are incredibly excited about Bottom Lines expansion into Michigan and Detroit, said Ryan Fewins-Bliss, MCAN Executive Director. The data is clear: to increase the numbers of students going to and succeeding in college, more trained and caring individuals must be dispatched to support students and families. Working alongside the resources that currently exist, Bottom Line is a great addition to the community. We look forward to working closely with them." 

Bottom Line's comprehensive program provides students with personalized, one-on-one guidance and mentoring starting their senior year of high school and continuing throughout college for up to six years. By providing intensive, long-term, and personalized support, Bottom Lines students are 23 percentage points more likely than their peers to earn a degree in four years. The organizations proven ability to increase college access and success for students has attracted prominent donors eager to support its expansion to Metro Detroit.   

"College enrollment and graduation rates in Metro Detroit are still below pre-pandemic levels, said Ashley Johnson, Program Officer at the Kresge Foundation. Bottom Line's history of success will enhance existing efforts to help students complete degrees and secure careers for economic mobility. We are excited to have them join our strong network of organizations in Detroit." 

The expansion of Bottom Line is an incredibly exciting opportunity for college-going students in Metro Detroit, shared Megan Fenkell, Executive Director at the Jamie and Denise Jacob Family Foundation. Our state has the goal of increasing our college completion rate, and in order to reach this goal, students need intensive support to achieve a college degree. Sometimes this support can come from family, but for many students, additional mentoring and guidance are needed. Bottom Line has proven in three other cities that their model works. Im really looking forward to seeing the success rates of Metro Detroit students in the Bottom Line program. Having more college graduates in Metro Detroit will benefit the individual, their families, and our community at large. 

Leading up to the fall 2025 expansion to Metro Detroit, Bottom Line will spend the 2024-2025 academic year laying the foundation by uniting with local partners and stakeholders to ensure a collaborative and effective implementation of its programs. To lead these efforts Bottom Line will be hiring an Executive Director, a Development Director, and a Program Director. 

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For more information about Bottom Line and its plans for strategic growth, visit the organization online or contact Brian Alexander, Vice President of Regional Growth, at [email protected]

About Bottom Line 

For over 25 years, Bottom Line has been fighting for educational equity by ensuring that the right to a quality college education is accessible to the many, not just the few. Its vision is to create a far-reaching ripple effect, launched by the transformative power of a college degree and a mobilizing first career. For degree-aspiring students from first-generation and low-income backgrounds, Bottom Line is a relentless ally that partners with them to get into college, graduate, and go far.  


Media Contact

Andrea Carter

[email protected]


500 Amory St. Ste 3

Source :Bottom Line

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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